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Codify 3

Reflection: The first thing that was wrong was that I could not found the subject complement because I forgot what it was, I gleamesed back at my other sentences in my grammer book and came back into action. I did not have a subject while I was marking this sentence for the first bit, then I looked at what 'is' was going back too, it was 'Living'. 


59% Tier

Homework Reflection 2

Homework Relfection 3

Reflection: Oh god, I do not know what went wrong. I could not mark two 'to's, I just did not know how to mark them during the moment. I have no idea why I marked school as a proper noun. On the other hand I do not know why before acts as a conjuction. Oh now I see it's trying to connect Our two subjects and predicates.

Homework Reflection 4

Reflection: I got this sentence correct too. The only mistake I made intially, which was very stupid. I marked 'A" as an adj thinking that it modified 'student' in some way, because it was describing student as singular. The word 'student' is singular anyway, but now I know.

Reflection: I had this correct too, but when I first touched it. I fumbled on marking 'amazing', I was hesitant if it was a participle because of the 'ing'. Later I looked into the way the word 'amazing' was working in this sentence. Then bazinga! adjective it was also complementing our subject the pizza and describing it too.

Homework Reflection 5

Homework Reflection 1

Reflection: I couldnt find a subject in this sentence, for some reason the infinitive 'to struggle' just seemed very foreign to me, no way that things a noun. I had forgot the exsistence of a subject complement and just left 'way' as is. Time was over, then I just felt so dumb for not seeing 'to struggle' as the subject.

75% Tier

In Class 1

Reflection: I had only one prepositional phrase that I missed. 'Of the moment' just does not sound like a prepositional phrase to me, but yet again there was an 'of' in the beginning. I knew it had to be a prepostional phrase. We ran out of time eventually, and it was a prepostional phrase. 

In Class 2

Reflection: I would have never seen that subject complement coming if somebody did not show me. Maybe I would of noticed it a bit if I was given more time, but intially, never. I did not know that a pronoun could be an adjective too, 'your' for example. Marking 'from day to day' felt weird because I couldn't mark to, then we ran out of time and I couldnt solve it.

In Class 3

Reflection: I was going to write 'to be' as a prepositional phrase first. Then I remembered the title of the slide, infinitive phrases, bang then it marked it all. Yet again I did not mark a subject compliment, because I just forget about, but 4th times the charm and I'll find it next time now. 

Homework 1

Homework 2


Homework 3

100% Tier Original Sentence

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